But when she’s not helping our private and public sector clients deal with disputes involving breach of contract, property matters and debt recovery, chances are you’ll find her blowing away the cobwebs up a mountain.
Tell us about your career path to date
I thought about studying law from when I was really young. I used to watch Ally McBeal on television — I loved that show — and remember thinking being a lawyer looked like a good job (not that I expected a TV show to be exactly like reality, of course!)
I studied law at Napier University, and gained my diploma from the University of Edinburgh. After graduating, I travelled a bit in Australia before working as a trainee and then qualified solicitor for a firm in the capital for a few years before moving up north to Elgin. My boyfriend — now husband — was in the RAF at Lossiemouth so it meant we could spend more time together.
And when the opportunity came up with Ledingham Chalmers in Inverness, it seemed the perfect time to move to the city, and closer to home.
What do you do when you’re not working?
In the summer months I like to go out running when I can. My husband used to be in RAF mountain rescue, so he loves dragging me up some Munros when the weather’s good.
What’s your proudest career moment?
Winning my first proof during my first year as a trainee. It was a small claims action in Paisley Sheriff Court and I remember being terrified, but it was a great experience.
Tell us something surprising people wouldn’t know about you?
I was once an extra in Monarch of the Glen. It was filmed in the area where I grew up in the Highlands, so quite a few of the locals got the opportunity to be an extra for a day or two. I used to work in the paper shop in town on weekends so I would meet most of the cast when they came in for a paper.
Some of the cast would also come along to the local pub when karaoke was on. Dawn Steele, who used to play Lexie, was a pretty good singer, as I recall.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Honesty is the best policy.