Opportunity for renewables companies at AREG open event

Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG) is hosting an open event tomorrow (Wednesday, April 26) to encourage potential new members to join the organisation.

The seminar, which takes place at the Aberdeen Maritime Museum, is free to attend and designed to provide delegates with the opportunity to network and meet current members through several short introductory presentations.

Speakers from 2H Offshore, Bibby Offshore, Current2Current, Energy Technology Partnership, Global Energy SCS and Proserv will offer an insight into the work they provide within the renewables sector.

AREG helps its members to access business opportunities and influential industry players. Membership is open to individuals, businesses and companies involved in the renewable sector and those who are looking to diversify from oil and gas.

Malcolm Laing of Ledingham Chalmers and long-standing member of AREG, will chair the meeting. He said: “Despite the challenging climate over the last few years, the renewables sector is continuing to offer an exciting range of opportunities as well as strengthening the local skills base and ensuring long-term career prospects for future talent.

“AREG performs a crucial, strategic role in helping the region, as well as Scotland and the UK, achieve its renewable energy goals - developing a sustainable energy sector, providing jobs for future generations and retaining critical energy skills as well as actively promoting these capabilities internationally.

“Member events are a great opportunity for companies and individuals with an interest in renewable energy to gain a greater understanding of what AREG can do for them and to hear from several leading companies working in the sector.”

The event begins at 12pm and places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis, so please register in advance at: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/areg-members-showcase-registration-33302794555

A light buffet lunch will be provided. Should you have any questions or special requirements for the event please contact the events team at: